A Real Life Testimony on Friendship- Japan

Pink cherry Blossoms in full bloom on a tree.

For some, making friends can be easy. Something that’s also easy to take for granted. For many of us, this is not the case. I heard a story from a student of mine living in Japan concerning a client rep who cancelled a meeting with her.  I felt very honored to hear her real life testimony on friendship. You’ll know what I mean when you read on.

The Story

My student thought the meeting had been cancelled because the client reps child was sick. Instead, it turned out to be something very different. The client rep explained that her child was being bullied in school.

You see, the native Japanese family used to live in Sri Lanka. The child went to school there.  Since he was the only Japanese kid, he was welcomed and made quick friends among the Sri Lankan students.  Eventually, the parents returned to their home in Japan. After enrolling the child in school. The child found making friends in his new school very difficult and he was being bullied. 

Forgetting the purpose of the meeting, my student decided to give her own real life testimony about when she was a young girl in school. She also found it hard to make friends. She felt alone and sad.  By way of a suggestion, she told the mother that the child needed one place where he could feel like he was not alone.  One place where he could get a hug and feel like things were going to be all right. 

What If?

Think about the friendships we made when we were kids. How many of those friendships do you still have and maintain in your life now? How important are those friendships?

If you had a good set of friends in your life, maybe they encouraged you to stay on the right path in life. Maybe they got you to study when you didn’t want to or kept you out of trouble when you were kids. Maybe, you got in trouble together and share memories that you cherish today.

Now, what if you never had the opportunity to form those kind of friendships when you were a kid? What would the impact be on your life? The loneliness of life is a real thing. Suicide and mass violence are way to normalized in our society. The radicalization of our youth is a problem we all face as parents and citizens. These kids need one place where they could feel like they are not alone. One place, where they could get a hug and feel like things were going to be all right.

The Solution

My Neighbor Events is a place where kids can meet other kids, have some fun and create memories that will last a life time. This real life testimony on friendship is one reason why My Neighbor Events was created.

Do you know a child between the ages of 6 and 12 years of age who wants to come and be friends with other kids his/her age? Come out to one of our free public park events.  We will have a great time at the park learning about nature photography, learning to play chess and other games. Hopefully, creating the relationships between kids that mean so much to us.

If you liked this real life testimony on friendship, take a look at another on friendship at this link.

For more information about me and My Neighbor Events, see my Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/MyNeighborEvents/

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